Consoling the Heart of Jesus
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28
I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with a very wise three year old. She was in the kitchen making milkshakes with her grandmother for the rest of the family on a particularly hot day. The noise of the ice cream maker scared her. As she came running towards me and I leaned over to scoop her into my arms, I heard, "I want to hold you! I want to hold you!" Which, translated, meant, 'I want you to hold me!' As I held her in my arms, she squeezed me tight and I gladly returned the squeeze and all the love that her little squeeze entailed.
Reflecting back on the preciousness of that moment, I realized that as much consolation as I had brought to her sweet heart in that moment, she, in turn, brought much consolation to my heart. When we love someone, we desire to console their hearts in moments of fear and sorrow. It is, naturally, the way God created us. It was consoling to my heart that she felt security in my arms. It was consoling that I had the opportunity to hold her and reassure her that even though the ice cream maker was loud, the whole family was safe. If I felt this way, I can only imagine how her mother and father feel! The same is with the Lord! This thought amazed me. In our moments of fear and anxiety, because of his great love for us, he longingly waits for us to run into his arms, seeking shelter from the trials of this world. How consoling must it be to Jesus' heart when we run to him with our fears and anxieties, and how he must love the opportunity to just hold us in his merciful arms!
Let us pray this week for the grace to run, more often, to his arms in moments of uncertainty!
Written by Alycia, Special Events Coordinator for the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
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