Wednesday, May 25, 2011


"Silence is Golden."

Most everyone is familiar with this phrase. As I was walking through Manhattan on Saturday, I was thinking about how loud everything around me was. It didn't matter where I went: into a cafe, down into the subway, into the Museum of Natural History, or even on the deck of the Staten Island Ferry, I could not get away from the noise to hear myself think. I would often loose my own train of thought because I could hear so many other conversations around me. I heard the familiar phrase, "Silence is Golden". As I began to meditate with it, I realized how true these words are. It is important, not only, to maintain silence in the movie theaters out of respect for the people around you or at night while people are sleeping, but also in our daily lives. We desperately need the silence! There is so much noise around us that we often get distracted from our own day-to-day thoughts and it is crucial to have a place and some quiet time to hear what the Lord is saying to us.
If we cannot hear ourselves think, how can we expect to hear what the Lord is saying to us?

Written by Alycia, Special Events Coordinator for the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm

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