Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is beautiful! As we prepare for the great Feast of Pentecost, let us reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Cardinal Luis Aponte Martinez, in his book, True Devotion to the Holy Spirit, gives us a wonderful reflection on such a topic. He says,
"The Holy Spirit's teaching is unction. He teaches us by pouring himself into us gently and penetratingly. His teaching is as a divine caress of love. He teaches us as mothers teach their children, with kisses of love, with an indefinable outpouring of tenderness. We learn from him as we perceive the fragrance of a perfume, as we savor the sweetness of a fruit or enjoy the caress of a breeze that enfolds us. 
The light of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of love; it is the happy consequence of union. United intimately to divine things through the work of the Holy Spirit, the soul tastes them by a direct divine experience. How profoundly do the words of St. John express this: "His anointing teaches you concerning all things."
The true director of souls, the intimate master, the soul of the spiritual life, is the Holy Spirit. Without him...there is no sanctity. The perfection of a soul is measured by its docility to the movement of the Spirit, by the promptitude and fidelity with which its strings produce the divine notes of the song of love. A soul is perfectly holy when the spirit of love has taken full possession of it, when the divine artist finds no resistance or dissonance in the strings of that living lyre, but only celestial strains coming forth from it, limpid, ardent, and delightfully harmonized."
As Pentecost approaches, may we be open and docile to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the master of the spiritual life, so as to fully live out our Christian life in complete charity.

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Amen!

Written by Alycia, Special Events Coordinator for the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm

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