
     The purpose of this conference is to unite the generations within the Church. It is to bridge the gap between the elder and younger generations and so that they may better understand the common ground that they share in our rich Catholic heritage. They may have many differences including differences in age, how they were raised, and their experiences and understandings of the Catholic tradition, but they have much to learn from and offer one another. This conference is to unite these generations so that they may pray, learn, and grow together, enriching both their lives and their faith.
     We will accomplish this purpose through various ways including the richness of the liturgy; various devotions that will appeal to both the old and the young; talks on the history and traditions of the Catholic faith, on common struggles seen through the eyes of faith, and on healing and unity. We will spend time together both in prayer and in enjoying one another's company, drawing from the wealth of wisdom and enthusiasm of both our elders and our young people.